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Help Would Works Find a New Home

by Connor Johnson July 31, 2019 in Workshop Journals

Help Would Works Find a New Home

Would Works recently lost our donated workshop space and we are facing a programming hiatus while we look for a new home. We rely on the generous support of you--our community partners, happy customers and donors from around the world.  Now we need your help to find a new home for Would Works so we can continue to offer the job opportunities and programming to our dedicated team of artisans.

What does Would Works need in a space? 

We have operated out of various different donated spaces over the years--lumber yards, churches, shelters, basements and wood shops!  We are a versatile bunch with an adaptive set-up depending on space constraints.  

We are looking for a donated or low-cost permanent space, but as these things take time, we are also interested in finding short term residencies or pop-up arrangements in the Fall. 

Main requirements for short term or pop-up space:

  • Accessibility to DTLA: most artisans are coming from the Skid Row area

  • Set up for light industrial use: we make some dust, so no computers, fancy rugs, etc

  • Enough space for 2-3 fold out tables: or use of existing tables/workbenches

  • Ventilation and Light: we use non toxic finishes and have dust collection, but fresh air and light are still crucial to the work

Additional wish-list for a long term space:

  • 200-400 sq feet of workspace

  • 20 sq feet of storage space for shelving, bins, equipment

  • Availability 1-2 weekdays during normal business hours 


Please email us with any potential space leads and THANK YOU for supporting Would Works!

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